“For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!” (1 Cor. 9:16)
There is no more important task on earth than to be a member of the Great Commission of Jesus Christ! The opportunity to be a missionary on a trip to India is a special blessing in my ministry! Despite all the difficulties, the cultural crisis and the way of life of this society, I want to return again and again to bring to the people – the Good news!

From the 3rd of August 2015, to the 30th, the Lord has allowed me, along with the students of the theological colleges of Moldova and Russia to serve the people of India. Our group spent most of the time in Dehradun, about 400 kilometers from New Delhi. The city is inhabited by around a million people, and according to Indian standards, this is not a big city. There is a great team of Slavic missionaries who do not just work, but sacrificially serve not just the local people, but also friends, who come for a short mission trip to India, like us.
For the most part, the ministry took place in the children’s homes(orphanages), which were organized by missionaries from Ukraine and Russia. In this city, there are four children’s homes, in each of them live 20 orphans, an Indian family, an Indian woman – a cook who prepares food, and one person from the Slavs, who coordinates the entire process of life there and education of the children. Every day from 7 am to 8 pm, there were services in each of the orphanages, in which we participated actively.

Also, our team was daily involved in the learning process of children in the public school, organized specifically for these children, by these same missionaries. These were lessons of mathematics, the English language, crafts and music. This has contributed to build a warm, friendly relationship with the children and adults.

My ministry as a team leader was associated with some organizational issues, as well as a series of seminars for local ministers, pastors and preachers. During this trip, there were three seminars, which were attended by more than 70 brothers and sisters of the Indians. It was also a special time when some simple truths of Scripture were necessary to be present in the context of their culture and way of life. In this photo, the brothers and sisters during the break, drinking coffee on the roof of the house, there we also had all the meals.
Picture taken while cooking dinner for all participants of the seminar. This is the Indian family of the minister; they cooked us food for two days. In the city of Jaipur, the capital of the Indian state of Rajasthan, we had a two-day seminar. All important events are held on the roof of the house.

In this photo, the team of employees of children’s homes and schools. These Indian families are kitchen-workers who care for children in orphanages. And missionaries Slavs, who organized all this great work for the glory of God, and teach the children simply to read and write!

In the evening, together with a missionary from Ukraine, city of Donetsk, brother Valery Akimov, we visited the small groups of Christians in parts of the city where not many have the desire to go. In this part of the city, people live beyond the poverty level. This is the beginning of brother Valeriy’s ministry together with several brothers, Indian pastors, in planting new churches. This is a spiritual communion in the study of the Word of God and prayer. We saw a special awakening among Indian people.
Under such conditions, are almost all small groups, in which brother Valeriy, his wife Tatiana and son David minister. This group gathers in a dedicated room of one of the families, who themselves, a family of five people, live behind the next wall in a similar room. Up to 40 people come to these gatherings, along with their children, who fit in the room of 10-12 square meters and sit right on the floor. Generally, we had to pull over we the corner of the room and standing speak about Christ, because there was no room to sit. Such discomfort did not bother us, when you think about what kind of comfort was offered to Christ and what He endured for our salvation.
Another part of the ministry in which I participated – a group of children who can not learn simple reading and writing. In this photo, Tatiana, Valerie’s wife, gathers children on the street and teaches them English and Bible truths. Before our eyes, children of 10 and 12 years of age, begin to recognize their birthday and learn to write their names. Tears in the eyes of the children during their prayers, do not leave indifferent any rescued heart. This is the Lord’s doing! Glory be to Him!

This is a group of children who have a desire to learn to read and write and study the Bible!
In this photo, another group, which has been meeting for less than a year. But, more than ten of them have made a serious decision to make a covenant with God. This is what missionaries pray for and are most happy about, seeing the fruit of labor, which is done for the salvation of souls and the glory of God!

In these photos below, you can see the life of an ordinary Indian, which most of the population of India is satisfied with. These are just fragments; the reality is usually much sadder. This is a workplace as well as a place of residence of a family. It isn’t rare that in these slums children are born and spend most of their lives.

In this photo, you can see a very common kind of barber shop in the Indian context. But what is more surprising and shocking, is that dental “rooms” look exactly the same, usually located in crowded places in the city, there people tear out teeth, and there they have oral surgery.

In conclusion, I want to praise God for the opportunity to talk about His love with the Indian people! It brings happiness to see the tears of people being saved, those people who turn to God. For victory over the evil one, and freedom from the bondage of sin.
And also, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the mission of Orphans for Christ, in the person of Edward Malanchuk, for their financial support in the amount of $500. This allowed me to take part in this mission trip to India. May God bless the people of India, we pray that God’s Word reaches many unsaved hearts. May the Lord bless the ministry of the mission of Orphans for Christ, that through your ministry, many more people hear about Jesus Christ and get saved! God bless you!
With a prayer for you Andrey Malanchuk
Pastor of the Evangelical Christian Baptist Church “Bethany” Balti, Moldova
Tel. + 373-799-76659
E.mail: andrei-malanciuc@yandex.ru